Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

example change letter to telex


Mr. and Mrs.Joko's

Jl. Bintara 8 No.18

Bintara West Bekasi

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Susanto :

Enclosed are the following executed original documents dated 8th october, for each of you:

1. Last Will and Testament.

2. Statutory Durable Power of Attorney.

3. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.

4. Declaration of Guardian.

5. Directive to Physicians.

Also enclosed is a set of copies of all of the documents, as you requested. I have kept a set of copies in my files. Finally, also enclosed are instructions on how to coordinate your life insurance benefits with your estate plan.

This letter discusses several points about your estate plan of which you should be aware. If you have any questions about any of the matters discussed in this letter, please call. I suggest that you keep this letter with your documents so that you may refer to it from time to time.

change to telex :

Please read through the enclosed documents carefully over the next two weeks. If I have made any mistakes, or if there is something you do not like or understand, please call me, and I will clear things up. If I have not heard from you within two weeks, I will assume everything is the way you want it, and my representation of you in this matter will cease.

In this matter, you and you alone have been my client. I owe no duty to any of your family members or other possible beneficiaries. I have no continuing duty to update your plan or otherwise represent you. Of course, I look forward to working with you again in the future should you wish to hire me to help you with revising your estate plan or with another matter.

Thank you for allowing me to provide you with these services. Good luck, and please call if I can be of further assistance.

Very truly yours,

[Law Firm]


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