Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

C1 A confidential credit rating report ( page 32 )

Company 'B' has been a supplier for 5 years and has supplied goods on monthly credit to a limit of 20,000. They report that the agreed terms are experiencing temporary cash flow problems.

Company 'C' has been a supplier for 2 years and has supplied goods on monthly credit to a limit of 3,000. They report that the recently terms exceeded without supplies had to be stopped.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Home Work page 32

Dear Vina

Hi, My friend. How are you?? Are you alright??
Long time no see, last i meet you when you wedding party. I heard from my friend, you have first baby, a daughter.
I sure she is beautiful and funny like you. I feel happy too, with good news about it.
Congratulation for your first baby born.

Your Sincerely,


Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Home work page 13

now write a similiar letter including the following information :
  • you require a confrence room.
  • the dates are from August 18th to the 26th
  • you need a large room as there are 30 people attending the confrence
  • you will need to have electric sockets for and overhead projector and a screen
  • you would like to have confirmation that there will be buffet facilities.
I Change to inquiry letter (answer) :

Dear Mr. Jhon,

I send this letter with something purpose.
I would like to reserve a confrence room, because My company will be confrence about "dangerous the Earthquake" in indonesia. I need a large room as there are 30 people attending the confrence. I would very much appreciate a quiet room away from traffic noise.
I will reserve the room for the morning of august 18th until 26th. And i need some equipment for this confrence like, electric sockets for an overhead projector and a screen. its very important for us. I hope you will be participate about it. Could you confirmation that there will be buffet facilities too.

Your Faithfully.

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Example formal letter

Example Formal letter

8 April 2009

To: Human Resources Manager
(PT. Arjuna Cakra)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm looking for a position as a waiter and that is why I'm writing this cover letter today. I noticed you are seeking for such workers as you expressed in your advertisement on Jakarta Post.

I have experience in several areas of hotel food service: banquets and weddings, private parties and business meetings. I'm fast on my feet, can carry large trays, and enjoy taking care of patrons.

I am enclosing my curriculum vitae for your perusal and I am looking forward to the opportunity to attend an interview I'll be happy to accommodate your schedule. I really appreciate being considered for this job. I know that waiter are in great demand and I'd be pleased to be one of them at your hotel.

Sincerely yours,

(Dyah Puspaningtyas)

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

example change letter to telex


Mr. and Mrs.Joko's

Jl. Bintara 8 No.18

Bintara West Bekasi

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Susanto :

Enclosed are the following executed original documents dated 8th october, for each of you:

1. Last Will and Testament.

2. Statutory Durable Power of Attorney.

3. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.

4. Declaration of Guardian.

5. Directive to Physicians.

Also enclosed is a set of copies of all of the documents, as you requested. I have kept a set of copies in my files. Finally, also enclosed are instructions on how to coordinate your life insurance benefits with your estate plan.

This letter discusses several points about your estate plan of which you should be aware. If you have any questions about any of the matters discussed in this letter, please call. I suggest that you keep this letter with your documents so that you may refer to it from time to time.

change to telex :

Please read through the enclosed documents carefully over the next two weeks. If I have made any mistakes, or if there is something you do not like or understand, please call me, and I will clear things up. If I have not heard from you within two weeks, I will assume everything is the way you want it, and my representation of you in this matter will cease.

In this matter, you and you alone have been my client. I owe no duty to any of your family members or other possible beneficiaries. I have no continuing duty to update your plan or otherwise represent you. Of course, I look forward to working with you again in the future should you wish to hire me to help you with revising your estate plan or with another matter.

Thank you for allowing me to provide you with these services. Good luck, and please call if I can be of further assistance.

Very truly yours,

[Law Firm]


Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Passive voice and Active voice


Kalimat aktif merupakan kalimat yang subjek kalimatnya adalah pelaku sebuah tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya bukan pelaku suatu tindakan. Si subjek adalah si penerima akibat dari sebuah tindakan.

Pattern :

Active : S + Verb (Kata Kerja) + Objek + etc

Passive : Objek + to be + Verb 3 (Kata Kerja Bentuk III) ( + by subjek) + etc

To be in use :

  1. Present : is, am, are
  2. Past : was, were
  3. Perfect : been (in top have, has, atau had)
  4. Future : be (after modals)
  5. Continuous : being
example sentence using passive and active voice :

  1. sinta drink a water (active)
  2. A water drunk by sinta (Passive)
  1. sinta drunk (active)
  2. A water was drunk by sinta (passive)
  1. sinta has drunk (active)
  2. a water has been drunk by sinta (passive)
  1. sinta will drunk (active)
  2. A water will be drunk by sinta (passive)
  1. sinta is drinking (active)
  2. A water is being drunk by sinta (passive)
  1. sinta can drink a water (active)
  2. A water can be drunk by sinta (passive)
saya hanya dapat menerangkan sebagian kecil dari passive and active voice, semoga bisa sedikit membantu.

Various of tenses

Di bawah ini adalah contoh beberapa jenis tenses yang umum digunakan, ini baru sebagian saja belum mencakup sebagian besar. Saya berharap dapat sedikit bermanfaat untuk anda. Di bawah jelaskan pengertian, pola ( pattern) dan contoh dari tenses tersebut.

1. Simple presentense

Simple presentense biasa di gunakan untuk menerangkan suatu kebiasaan seperti berikut :
1) kegiatan atau peristiwa yang biasa atau sering terjadi setiap saat.
2) kegiatan atau kejadian yang faktual.

Contoh :
I get up at five o’clock everyday.
- the sun sets in the west. (matahari tenggelam di sebelah barat)
Dan juga menerangkan rencana yang akan datang yang sudah biasa di lakukan.
- she arrives here tomorrow. (dia akan tiba di sini besok)

Struktur kalimatnya :

Subject + infinitive (s/es) + object

2. Simple Past tense

Simple Past tense menceritakan tentang kejadian yang di mulai dan berakhir di masa lalu (sudah terlewatkan) biasanya di lengkapi dengan kata lampau seperti yesterday, last week, month ago, dll.

Struktur kalimat :
Subject + Verb II + object

Biasanya past tense disertai dengan waktu yang jelas misalnya, yesterday, last (last week, last year, last sunday), ago (a few minute ago, two years ago, three days ago)

Example :
- I saw paul yesterday
(saya melihat paul kemarin).
- He went to the party last nigth.
(Dia pergi ke pesta tadi malam)


Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, peristiwa, kejadian yangterjadi pada wakut lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan sekarang atau untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat

pattern : A : S + have/has + been +…B : S + have/has + V III +…

Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya maka have/has diletakkan dimuka subyek.Untuk membentuk kalimat negative maka setelah have/has ditambah NOT.
(+) : I have been here since morning (saya sudah disini sejak pagi)
(-) : I have not been here since morning (saya belum disini sejak pagi)
(?) : Have I been here since morning? (apakah saya sudah disini sejak pagi)


Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang dimulaipada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang

Pattern : S + have /has+ been + V I + (ing) +…

Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya maka have/has diletakan dimuka subyek.Untuk membentuk kalimat negative maka setelah have/has ditambah NOT.

example :
(+) I have been waiting for an hour but he still has notturned up.(saya sedang menunggunya selama satu jam tapi diamasih belum kembali
(-) I have not been waiting for an hour but he still has notturned up.(saya sedang tidak menunggunya selama satu jam tapi dia masih belum kembali)
(?) Have I been waiting for an hour but he still has notturned up?( apakah saya sedang menunggunya selama satu jam tapi dia masih belum kembali


Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kejadian peristiwa lain terjadi.

pattern : S + was/were + V I (ing) + …

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya maka was/were diletakkan dimuka subyek.Untuk membuat kalimat negative maka setelah to be (was/were) ditambah NOT.

example :
(+) I was playing with my sister when father wached TV (Saya sedang bermain bersama adik perempuan saya ketika ayah nonton TV)
(-) I was not playing with my sister when father wached TV (Saya tidak sedang bermain bersama adik perempuan saya ketika ayah nonton TV)
(?) Was I playing with my sister when father wached TV (Apakah saya sedang bermain dengan adik perempuan saya ketika ayah sedang nonton TV)


Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atauperistiwa yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.

pattern : A : S + Shall/will + V I + …B : S + Shall/will + Be +…

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya maka shall/will diletakan dimuka subyek.Untuk membuat kalimat negative maka setelah shall/will ditambah NOT.

example :
(+) I shall go to Bandung tomorrow (saya akan pergi ke Bandung besok)
(-) I shall not go to Bandung tomorrow (saya tidak akan pergi ke Bandung besok)
(?) Shall I go to Bandung tomorrow? (apakah saya akan pergi ke Bandung besok?)


Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan peristiwa yang sudah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan segera selesai pada waktu yang akan datang.

Pattern :A : S + Shall/will + have + benn + …B : S + Shall/will + have +V III +…

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya maka shall will diletakan dimuka subyek. Untuk mebuat kalimat negative maka setelah shall/will ditambah NOT.

example :
(+) they will have finished their work by Monday(mereka akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka menjelang hari senin)
(-) they will not have finished their work by Monday(mereka belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka menjelang hari senin)
(?) will they have finished their work by Monday?(apakah mereka akan mengerjakan pekerjaan mereka menjelang hari senin?)


Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan peristiwa yang sudah pada waktu lampau tetapi masih ada kemungkinan untuk dilanjutkan pada waktu yang akan datang.

Pattern : S + Shall/will + have + been + V I( ing) + …

Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya maka shall/will dil
etakan dimuka subyek.Untuk membentuk kalimat negative maka setelah shall/will ditambah NOT.

Example :
(+) At five o'clock i shall have been riding for eight hours.
(-) At five o'clock i shall not have been riding for eight hours.
(?) Will i have been been riding for eight hours.